Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Acme-wp2 | [no description available] |
Atlast-wp7 | WP7 team of AtLAST2 |
Beegfs-advanced-class | [no description available] |
bhc-psr | [no description available] |
colloquia | MPIfR/AIfA Colloquia Announcements |
DBBC | DBBC discussion list |
effsched | [no description available] |
EHT-MPIfR | MPIfR-nominated EHT collaboration members |
ellall | [no description available] |
erc-compact | [no description available] |
eu-vgos | EU-VGOS Members |
eu-vgos-analysis | EU-VGOS WG Analysis |
eu-vgos-corr | EU-VGOS WG Correlation |
eu-vgos-etrans | EU-VGOS WG e-transfer |
eu-vgos-ops | EU-VGOS Operations |
EVN-TOG | EVN Technical Operations Group members |
Gleichstellung_regionrw | [no description available] |
glow-lofar-scheduling | Everyting about scheduling GLOW LOFAR observations |
HTRUN | [no description available] |
hwdesign | Electronics Hardware Designers at MPIfR |
Ifes | IMPRS Friday Evening Social |
imprs_cbd_region | [no description available] |
imprsall | [no description available] |
imprsalumni | [no description available] |
imprssupers | [no description available] |
iptaplanets | [no description available] |
kbn | Zusammenarbeit der Max-Planck-Institute im Koeln-Bonner Raum |
lofar-bonn | News and announcements for every Bonner interested in LOFAR |
M2f_team | [no description available] |
Mailman | [no description available] |
Movie-night | [no description available] |
Orp-ja1.5 | [no description available] |
Orp-ja2-all | [no description available] |
Orp-ja2-core | [no description available] |
Orp-ja2.2a | [no description available] |
Orp-ja2.5 | [no description available] |
Orp-ja4-training | [no description available] |
Orp_ja2.2a_lco-aeon | [no description available] |
Outreach | [no description available] |
Praktikantenbetreuung | [no description available] |
Pulsars | Sub group of FUNDI who work on pulsars and FRBs |
radionet-news | [no description available] |
rn_tna | [no description available] |
Robopol | [no description available] |
Robopol_admin | [no description available] |
Spf_test | [no description available] |
Spielplatz | Alle Tests hier |
vlbi_iram_mpifr | List for coordination of VLBI activities IRAM / MPIfR |
wsrt-legacy | Updates and discussion on the WSRT LEGACY survey |
zesci | Zensus group science discussion |
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